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What are traditions to you?😊

For us they are sharing, exchange, awareness of the value of the ancient knowledge of our region. Knowledge passed down from mother to daughter through words and gestures. Gestures that we try to preserve and continue to tell, and pass on during our workshops.

This is what Maddrigga di Luna, Gianfranca Dettori and Bagamunda have in common.

So what better time to resume the Workshops-IN-The-Book with a great guest to learn how to make breads and cakes decorated like jewelry?

We thought we would combine skills and passions to share them with you during TWO DAYS entirely dedicated to learning how to make DECORATED Sardinian BREADS and SWEETS according to traditional customs with the simple tools our mothers and grandmothers used.

It is precisely because of this approach that the workshops are suitable for both beginners and those who would like to perfect the technique🤗

Gianfranca Dettori, an expert in traditional Sardinian bakery and pastry, as well as a great experimenter of new flavors without distorting the original recipes, is also known for her mastery in the making of su Filindeu, during these days she will teach us how to create breads and pastries that we can then replicate in our homes for our families and friends.

Saturday, May 29 – DECORATED BREAD

Let’s get our hands in the dough and create “jewel breads”

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch break included

Sunday, May 30 – DECORATED Sardinian SWEETS

We create some typical desserts from the violada dough base with various fillings,

such as tiliccas and decorated copulettes

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch break included.

Seats are super-limited to ensure safety and the best running of workshops.

Below is the link to the event with all the details

For further clarifications and reservations please contact us by sending a private message

or by calling 3406776705 – 3289260206.

We look forward to seeing you IN the kitchen!

Melania, Cinzia and Gianfranca ❤️


#cooking #sardinia #experiences #tradition



#sardiniabagamunda #maddriggadiluna


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